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CTH 450.1.1.4

Citatio: M. Kapełuś (ed.), CTH 450.1.1.4 (TX 16.02.2011, TRen 16.02.2011)

§ 43'
233 -- Be favourable to [your] ch[ildren].
234 -- May your [kingdom] be [et]ernal throughout all genera[tions].
235 -- It will happen
236 -- (that) your [shrine] w[ill] be revere[d],
237 -- and the ritual will be provi[de]d [for you]!'
238 -- Then on th[at day] the ta[ble]-m[en take] an arpamar-loaf (and) fru[its].
239 -- And they p[ut] (them) down [in] front of the decea[sed].

Editio ultima: Textus 16.02.2011; Traductionis 16.02.2011